Thank you for your patience. The new site is now launched!
You should have received your initial login information earlier this year. If you did not keep the email, you can do a password reset. For crew admins and individuals, membership in renewals were sent out 5/12.
The IFOA is an association of football officials throughout Indiana. While the purpose of the organization is to promote and improve high school officiating in the state of Indiana, we have members from all levels of football!
The primary purpose of this site is to disseminate information to our members. It is also our membership database so we can send email communications and manage membership sign-up and renewal through the site. Please provide feedback if you have any comments or suggestions.
Take advantage of registration for clinic events, signing up for the C. Leather Play of the Day and varsity game notices. Visit the forums and discuss rules or play situations. Reach out to other members or see when associations are holding their meetings.
Thank you for your interest in the Indiana Football Officials Association!